title: Demo layout: demo description: demo bodyClass: page-demo —

Lorem markdownum aequalis strigis. Saetigeri iubeas, vultu huic alvum nondum de obside ut laniavit arbor palmis, cum quin. Rupes vetat videndo, armigerae crimen habet Priamum nec.

Accounting Services


The GeneratedArt platform provides benefits to all parties involved in the generative art ecosystem, including venues, generative artists, collectors and buyers. For venues, it offers an opportunity to showcase a new and innovative art form that can attract a wider audience and drive traffic to their location. For generative artists, it provides a platform to showcase their work to a global audience, connect with potential buyers, and monetize their creations. For collectors, it offers a new way to invest in and collect generative art, with the added benefit of ownership and trade enabled through tokenization. You can discover new venues and locations in a city, making it a great tool for tourism, while also supporting both venues and generative artists to gain exposure and reach a wider audience.


The GeneratedArt demo is a platform that offers two options for buying generative art. Visitors can explore different locations in a city to buy physical collections or buy them directly online. Here, we will focus on the physical collections available in exhibitions.

  1. To begin, visitors can search for different venues on a city map, which will show them details of the generative art pieces available, including directions to the physical location where the art piece can be seen.

  2. Once the visitor has arrived at the venue, they can find the specific art piece they are interested in purchasing and scan the QR code located beside it.

  3. The platform offers various payment options, including credit card payments and cryptocurrency payments such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Solana, and Tezos. The buyer will receive a receipt that can be used as proof of ownership when leaving with the art piece.

Application components

  • Venue map with keyword search and filtering
  • Art collection page, with information on the art piece, price and venue location.
  • Printed QR codes, from our self-hosted QR code generator
  • Payment option selection menu
  • Credit card payment protocol
  • Bitcoin payment protocol using the Lightning network
  • Ethereum payment protocol using the Raiden network
  • Cardano payment protocol
  • Solana payment protocol
  • Tezos payment protocol
  • Receipt with QR code for proof of ownership
  • Optional NFT: Digital art, Proof of ownership on a smart contract.